KAATSU Vargo Physical Therapy

KAATSU (a Japanese word meaning “additional pressure” in English) is the original blood flow moderation modality originally from Japan.  KAATSU blood flow moderation in Physical Therapy has been shown to increase muscle strength and size without overloading joints, muscles and tendons, leading to enhanced function and recovery from injury or surgery.  When used correctly, blood flow moderation can increase vascular elasticity in all anatomic structures and stimulate a hormonal response to facilitate muscle in a safe and efficient manner.  The modality enables increased blood circulation to the capillaries and veins in healthy and  injured areas promoting increased range of mobility, greater strength and improved performance with less pain.

Under the supervision of the certified specialist, KAATSU is safe and effective for use during rehabilitation for deficits related to arthritic pain, tendon and ligament repair, repetitive use injuries, general deconditioning, and sports rehab.