james vargo vargo physical therapy staff

James Vargo, Clinic Director, PT, MPT

is a licensed Physical Therapist evaluating and treating patients at the Moorpark Vargo PT clinic. He is sports physical therapist and specializes in rehabilitation treatment for sports and industrial injuries as well as post-operative and age-related conditions. Mr. Vargo is ASTYM certified. He has also completed coursework in the application of Kinesiology Taping. Mr. Vargo is dedicated to delivering results by combining the most recent technology with advanced treatment practices.

After earning his bachelor’s degree in sociology from the University of Arizona, Mr. Vargo went on to complete a master’s degree in physical therapy from California State University, Northridge. During his training he received extensive clinical experience serving as an intern at a number of outpatient physical therapy clinics as well as at Glendale Adventist Hospital.

When not working, Mr. Vargo enjoys playing basketball and volleyball. He is dedicated to his alma mater, the University of Arizona and also likes to take in a good baseball or football game as an avid Chicago Cubs and San Francisco 49ers fan.
